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Can Horoscopes Predict Pregnancy?

Pregnancy Horoscope Prediction – Having a baby can be one of life’s biggest blessings, but the process of trying to get pregnant can be trying. People are sometimes desperate for help, if you and your partner are trying to conceive and struggling, you might find that the answer can lay in your star sign.

Can horoscopes predict pregnancy? What help can we get from astrology?

There is a specific field of horoscopes based on the study of astrology and pregnancy, some people call it “momstrology“. People use this type of astrology to try and pre-determine what your baby’s sign will be, and what is best suited to your own horoscope.

Probably the most useful aspect of this field of astrology is the help it can offer when people are looking to get pregnant. Trying to conceive can be difficult, and some people are willing to try everything possible. Though a lot of people do look to fertility treatments, with a lot of success, there’s no reason why people shouldn’t look into the possibility of conceiving at a certain time of the year, based on your horoscope, your partners, or when the two best match up.

A pregnancy horoscope prediction reading can help to determine the best chances of pregnancy based on star charts and star signs. While this might be complex to work out, fertility is likely to occur at certain times throughout the year, making it more likely that you will experience success if you are trying for a baby at the correct time, for both your body clock and your horoscope.

How Astrologers Can Help into Pregnancy Horoscope Prediction There are certain cues that can help an astrologer when they are charting and predicting a person’s future. Women have some important times that are based on the transits of the planets in astrological charts.

For instance, the transit of Saturn over the fifth or ninth house can be a sign that it is a good time for a woman to conceive. So can the transit of Jupiter over the fifth house or lord.

For the best possible results, a couple’s horoscope can help people to work out how the two charts match up, and how the star signs and horoscopes align in order to predict when the right time is to try to have a baby, and when it is most likely.

A baby can be conceived in any month of the year, and fertility is really complex, but horoscopes and astrology can show a couple when they should be concentrating their efforts to get pregnant.

Getting Pregnant This Year

There is a brilliant pregnancy horoscope prediction guide that can give a lot of different information on when the right time to try. This guide specifically discusses when each star sign should try to get pregnant, and this is up to date for this year’s star charts.

You can even find tools that call themselves pregnancy calculators online! They allow you to put your date of birth, along with your partner’s, into their service and receive a prediction on the best times to get pregnant.


Having a baby is one of the biggest decisions of your life. It is also one of the most important things we can do as humans, but it is rarely straightforward. “Momstrology” can be a way to try and help, or at least understand your future pregnancy.

Finding the right time to have a baby can be a way to maximize your chances, and while fertility science shouldn’t be ignored, your horoscope could be the key. The answer to when your baby might be arriving could lay in the stars, yes, pregnancy horoscope prediction works.

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